Squarespace SEO not working? Here are 3 things you can do…

So you have tried a bunch of SEO Strategies on Squarespace but your site is not showing up on Google. That is so frustrating!! Don’t worry I am here to help.

Before getting started on this guide, I suggest you check out this blog post where I provide a Beginners Guide to SEO. Not a beginner? That’s ok! I still suggest you check it out just in case you forgot something.

Then I suggest you check out this blog post where I go over 4 steps you can take to rank #1 in Google.

Still not working?

Then this post is for you. In this video, I will go over 3 things you can do if your Squarespace site is still not showing up in Google.


#1: Give it Time

My first question when a client says that they are not ranking in searches is “How long has your site been live?”. As frustrating as it is, SEO does take some time. It’s possible that Google hasn’t had time to find your site yet. It also takes time to build up trust with search engines that your site is somewhere users want to be. On average it can take anywhere from 4 to 12 months to see results. It also depends on how much competition your website has. If you are targeting low-competition keywords and have all the right strategies in place , you can see results in 4 to 6 months. However, if you have a lot of competition in your industry or subject area, it can take much longer.

So if your website is fairly new, it is very possible that your SEO Strategies are right on track and you just need to be patient.

#2: Check for Indexing

If your website has been around for a while and you are still not seeing results, check to make sure that your site is being indexed. Google uses web crawlers that are constantly exploring the web to find sites to add to their index. Usually this happens automatically, but it’s possible that your site has been missed. Do a search on google for your site’s home URL by searching “site:yourdomainname.com” to see if your site comes up. For example, this is what my search looked like.

Site Search Rebecca Grace Designs SEO

If your site shows up (ignore Ads like the Google Search Console one in my search results), then you can move to the next step. If it doesn’t show up that means your site is not indexed on Google. This could be because it was missed by crawlers, maybe Google received an error when trying to crawl your site, or your design makes it difficult for Google to crawl effectively.

To fix this, make sure you are signed up for a Google Search Console account and you have submitted your sitemap. I have done a blog post tutorial on this here. Be sure to continually monitor this account as it will alert you of any critical issues on your site.

#3 Hire an Expert

If your site is more than a year old, you have followed all the SEO guides you can find, you have checked that Google is indexing your site, Google Search Console is not showing any issues, and your site is still not showing up in searches….. it’s time to hire an expert.

At this point, generic advice and steps are not going to work for you. You need an expert to look directly at your site and analyze it to see what’s wrong. I would of course be happy to help during a 1:1 Help Session. You can find out more about these sessions here. However, if you would like someone to do more of a deep dive, you can hire an Squarespace SEO Specialist here.


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Rebecca Grace

Rebecca Grace is a Squarespace CSS Expert and Website Designer.


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